Social Employment Fund Update: Zibazini’s Story

This is a story of overcoming all odds to attain sustainability as an ECD centre. Zibanzini Pre-School has recently attained registration status with the Department of Basic Education (DBE) and have received an ECD Subsidy. 

Zibanzini ECD centre was started in 2010 by Khanyisile Mpethwa. Having a love for young children, she felt concerned that there was no creche for them in her area. She spoke to community members to see if they would be interested in sending their children to creche.  On being assured of community support, she went ahead and set up a committee and approached local leadership for a site. Once she was given a site to work from, she asked her committee to collect corrugated iron sheets to build a structure. Slowly the pieces of corrugated iron were brought in and then the structure was built. 

Impande started providing fortified porridge for Zibanzini ECD centre in 2019 (prior to SEF). This did provide some relief for the 42 children enrolled as well as for Khanyisile who could breathe a sigh of relief that children would be fed at least one solid meal during the day. 

As a participant of SEF, Zibanzini also received a Starter Kit which comprised a range of toys, Duplo, books, arts and crafts supplies and other learning materials.  Khanyisile attended training on the Starter Kit in April 2022 and was delighted to be able to take her resource box back to Zibanzini. 

In January 2022, Zibanzini was selected as a recipient of infrastructural upgrades through funding from Impande UK. The project was undertaken between April 2022 and May 2022. The upgrades included the construction of 2 classrooms, an office and kitchen, Rainwater tank, playground and basic electrical installation. The property was also fenced, creating a safe space for the children.  

Zinbanzini ECD centre submitted their application for registration once the building project was complete and to their delight, they have been awarded registration status. Impande will continue to offer its support through Learning Groups and Network meetings. All ECDs (registered or not) benefit from our initiative to improve child outcomes through improved ECD programming. There is a lot of work to be done going forward to improve school readiness of children attending ECD centres and ultimately, improve school outcomes. For Zibanzini ECD centre, the stage is now set for future success and to give children a fair start in life.

Special thank you to the Industrial Development Corporation (IDC) for selecting Impande for the SEF programme.  


Where are you based

South Africa


We appreciate your contribution to our cause. Your donation will help us make a difference.

Please find our banking details below:

  • Bank Name: NEDBANK
  • Account Number: 1227862504
  • Branch Code: 198765
  • Account Type: Current Account

If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us at [email protected].

Network and Helpdesk

It is possible to improve access and quality of ECD when communities, government and the private sector work together


·         Facilitate municipal ECD Network meetings to support flow of information between grassroots ECD services, government and stakeholders 

·         Provide a help desk to assist ECD centres with registration and compliance to improve child protection and access to government subsidies.
